Gh like g h in log hut h like h in hot j like j in job jh like dgeh in hedgehog j like ng y in sing your k like k in kite kh like ck h in black hat l like l in love m like m in mother like n in pinch p like p in soap ph like ph in up hill r rolled like a Spanish or Italian r s like s in sun sometimes like s in sun, sometimes like sya sound t like rt in heart th like t h in fat hat v like v in love, sometimes like w in world y like y in yes *t, th, d, dh, and n should be pronounced with the tongue placed against the protruding slightly beyond the upper teeth. ah: wouldīe pronounced aha ih: would be pronounced ihi uh: would be pronounced uhu etc.Īi like ai in aisle au like ow in cow Sanskrit Consonants b like b in bird bh like b h in job hunt ch like pinch d like d in dove dh like d h in good heart g like good Sanskrit Vowels a like a in nap like a in father like ay in may i like i in pin like ee in sweet like o in rose u like u in put like oo in food ha pronounce as a faint echoing of the previous vowel e.g. This guide is based on American pronunciation of words, and is therefore not a perfect representation of Sanskrit sounds. Banglaore: Sri Matrudevi Viswashanthi Ashram Trust, 2004.) (Karunamayi, Sri Sri Sri Vijayesari Devi. Source: Guide to pronunciation From Sri Suktam with Samputita Sri Suktam. Published for the World Wide Web (For personal (spiritual) use only. Source: TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # Guide to pronunciation 3 Thvram Pathigam 4 (Tamil) Thvram Pathigam 8 (English) References 14 Tamil unicoding, English Transliteration, Proof-reading, & Preparation by Sri Skanda's Warrior of Light Thvram pathigam song 2.085 (klaru thiru pathigam)ĭedicated with love to The Fragrant Divine Lotus Feet of my beloved SatGuru - Bhagavan Sri Skanda Thiru nyna-sambanthar swmigals thvram pathigam 2nd thirumurai klaru thiru pathigam thiruchitrambalam